17 Feb 2013


Here is my first ever blog post - I shall nervously begin! Just over a month ago, John and I made the decision to totally uproot our life here and move halfway across the world to Uganda with our 2 small children. These last few months have been a real roller coaster; excitement, nervousness, anxiety, joy, apprehension, happiness etc but the feeling that has been consistent over the last month - is peace. My Mum will tell you that throughout my life I have been a real worrier, so this deep peace is somewhat unnerving and very definitely from God as it is not something I could muster up in my own strength. 
I feel like God has taken me on a very special journey over the past year to bring me to this place. Over many months while considering the move to Uganda I would wake up at night, paralysed with fear about one aspect of the possible move; our safety, the girl's education, money, our house here, finding a job on return, friendships and the list went on and on. This same fear would wake me up for about 3 nights and then I would find peace and move on. A little while later, the same would happen with a new fear. It is like God took me through every possible fear that I could have and brought me to peace, one fear at a time. I am now left with a deep sense of peace and knowing that God is in control. I am learning to trust him. 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing to hear it written down like that - and it has been amazing to see God working so clearly in your life. His peace 'that transcends understanding' is one of the miracles I experienced when I became his follower 15 years ago, as I was a worrier too. I had never experienced anything like it. Will keep praying for you and I for more of that peace. xxx
