13 Mar 2013

Where there's muck...

Here's an example of what we'd love to get into the Kampala slums.
Not the most appetising of subjects, but the toilet is something we take for granted - I spend a good deal of my life on one. But in slums a loo is not always an option and either a patch of grass or a small plastic bag has to suffice. This obviously causes a lot of problems - no-one wants to dodge turds every day and the health implications are obvious.
So, these guys (Sanergy) have a smart solution. Recruit an entrepreneur from the local community, set up a loo (that blue box above), charge a little to spend a penny, then remove all the poo, process it and turn it into compost... to sell. Smelly, but clever eh?
Apparently people like using it partly because it has a mirror, nice soap and makes them seem 'modern'. I'd go along with that.

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